WMS Map: North Branch of South Fork of Potamac River
About North Branch of South Fork of Potamac River ....
A little ways north of Seneca Rocks. Some nice farm country north of Seneca Rocks, mostly beef production here in this deep valley.
A little ways north of Seneca Rocks. Some nice farm country north of Seneca Rocks, mostly beef production here in this deep valley.
Helpful Hint: While I suggest you look on blog for a downloadable PDF Map, you should be able to print or save this map by clicking the print button on the map above.
Road Trip to Coal Country by Nate Matthews - You can download the KMZ File used in creation of this map.
ESRI World Aerial - This series of aerial images is an alternative to USGS' aerial photos, with higher resolutions, although not as detailed as state programs. Esri, DigitalGlobe, GeoEye, i-cubed, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS, USDA, USGS, AEX, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, swisstopo, and the GIS User. XYZ Tiles: https://server.arcgisonline.com/ArcGIS/rest/services/World_Imagery/MapServer/tile/{z}/{y}/{x}
3DEP Elevation Hillshade. LIDAR and legacy USGS DRG Topo Derived hillshades used as a background. DEM - WMS Service: https://elevation.nationalmap.gov/arcgis/services/3DEPElevation/ImageServer/WMSServer, Layer: 3DEPElevation:Hillshade Gray
Full List of WMS and ArcMap Services - CSV Spreadsheet with all web map services currently used on the blog.
West Virginia, nestled in the Appalachian region of the United States, captivates with its diverse landscapes, from rolling hills to rugged mountains. This webpage centers on free camping opportunities within the Mongonghella and George Washington National Forests, inviting adventurers to embrace the state's natural wonders. With a focus on hiking, biking, kayaking, and more, West Virginia offers a spectrum of outdoor activities. The majestic forests and pristine waterways of the national forests provide an idyllic backdrop for camping and exploration. From traversing scenic trails to embarking on cycling escapades, the state caters to various interests. West Virginia's tranquil lakes and rivers beckon kayakers and water enthusiasts, ensuring unforgettable experiences. Amidst the Appalachian splendor, West Virginia stands as an outdoor haven where nature's beauty and recreational pursuits harmonize to offer an enriching and memorable adventure.
Blackwater Falls
Charleston, WV
Whites Run
West Virginia 10 ft Lake Contours
Thomas, West Virginia
The gap on Cooridor H between Wardensville and Interstate 66
Strip Mines
Spruce Mountain
Spruce Knob Mountain
South Fork Potomac River in Brake, WV
Potomac River β Fort Ashby, West Virginia
Point Pleasant Memorial Bridge
Point Pleasant Bridge β 1957/1958
Pilgrims Pride Chicken Plant
Paw, Paw West Virginia
North Fork Gap
North Branch of South Fork of Potamac River
New River Gorge Bridge
Never Driven Dry Fork Road
Mettiki Coal Mine
Keyser, West Virignia
Headwaters of the Blackwater River
Harperβs Ferry
Harmon, West Virignia
Harmon Rocks β North Fork Mountain
Grafton, West Viriginia
... photos, maps and other content from from West Virginia.