So the new version of the blog theme is up and running

So the new version of the blog theme is up and running. I was getting tired of the old theme, and while it was a nice transition between the pre-2020 version and what we have now, it was too slow and didn’t quite go for the message I was looking for on the blog. That said, there is more to do — the mobile version has issues — and I’m sure I’ll find further bugs, but for now I’m quite happy on how things turned out.

1 Comment

  • Lorraine Plauth says:

    I came across your blog while looking for something else and am glad I found you!
    Will I now be signed up to get your blog?
    I wonder at how one person can know and share so much interesting information!
    By the way, I’m happy to know you visited Van Dyke Preseve. I’m one of the stewards there. I hope to β€œinvestigate” the Phillipinkill a bit sometime when the ice is good for walking on.
    Thanks for all the wonderful knowledge you share.!

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