What would happen if the Army was sent into New York City unpermited by state and local leaders? π£
What would happen if the Army was sent into New York City unpermited by state and local leaders? π£
I was hearing on the radio that the second amendment is not applicable today with the overwhelming force of the US military. While this is true with against any individual or small group, the US military would be ineffective against any mass resistance using guerilla tactics.
Imagine the scenario that the federal government invaded New York City with the army. The state and city could respond by giving either official or implied immunity to those those who fought against the federal government. This could empower and encourage ordinary citizens to engage in gorilla tactics against the US Army with immunity from state prosecution.
The population numbers suggest serious problems for the invading US Army if there was significant civic resistance to the Army invasion. If one in 10 of the city’s population engaged in a gorilla tactics against the military – fire bombing army trucks, cutting brake lines or even improvised explosive devices – could be extremely costly to the US Army in both lives and equipment loses. Remember, 10 percent of the city’s population is 750,000 bigger than the America’s standing army at 470,000 persons and even if you called in the reserves of 190,000 your still talking one New York City resident against one soldiers.
Not to mention that citizens resistance against the federal invaders would be supplemented by local law enforcement and the state’s national guard and state police which have extensive military experience and a much better knowledge of the city then the defense department has. Other blue state national guards and law enforcement would come to the state’s defense.
So it is true that individuals are not particularly powerful but together they are a strong force. Guerilla warfare might be a far off possibility – most likely New York City and the federal government would resolve their concerns in the US Supreme Court or other democratic institutions but don’t think individuals, joined outside of official government channels couldn’t be incredibly different.