God bless the grass. 🌾

God bless the grass. 🌾

I am glad Joe Biden has said he supports legalization of marijuana on the federal level. I think it would have a lot of benefits to society if marijuana was federally legal.

For one, making marijuana federally legal would open finance up to farms that grow it and businesses that sell it. Banks can legally loan to hemp growers now with the federal regulations but their cautious for good reason – hemp is just cannabis with less THC and its easy for hemp to test too hot and be illegally diverted.

Even though hemp is now federally legal and is allowed in many states, it tends to be strictly controlled as hemp with too much THC is considered marijuana even if it’s not smoked or injested. Regulations over hemp make it hard for farmers to succeed.

Also legalizing cannabis would spur the hemp market – as if you are producing hemp as a primary crop you might as well produce cannabis on the side, similar to how many dairy farms which grow field corn for silage and high moisture corn feed also run farm stands with sweet corn.

There is a limited market for cannabis – as people can only smoke and ingest so much of it but hemp offers a lot of possibilities. A lot of products could be made with the fibers of hemp, beyond the boutique items currently sold. Cannabis might be a few acres on a farm, while hemp would be several hundred or thousand acres.

I think it’s an exciting agricultural crop and one that could get the younger generation interested in agriculture and plant science, especially in more urban areas. It’s also a great hobby for people to do on their patio, learn about plant genetics and growing their own food.

Myself, I’m not really interested in smoking pot. It’s rather expensive and not nearly as much fun as people claim. But I think we should end the war on drugs to help our cities, especially this potentially profitable agricultural crop that can be grown on a large scale, outdoors using many of the same field cultivation crops commonly used on farms across the nation.

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