Long commutes in cars suck
I like spending time out in the country but a daily commute out to Rural America would really be a drag I have to say. Having driven out to my parents house after work for a week house sitting, I really miss the ease of just being able to catch the bus to and from work, not having to worry about the traffic or the weather. When I’m home and can take the bus, I can be tired, I can be distracted or drunk but I don’t have to worry about getting to my destination safely.
Eventually when I own my own land, automobile commuting will be an inevitable part of the trip. Maybe I can car pool part of the time or use a bus to access the center city. Maybe I won’t live near such a big city where traffic is such a problem or choose a more sothernly climate were icy roads aren’t such a problem. Or maybe I’ll find work in the small town I choose to live in and I won’t have to drive far away to the city. Or develop a business that lets me work from home. There are many options.
I just don’t want to spend my days, every day stuck in traffic going back and forth to work with long drives out to the country. But it seems like I have options.