The Wonder Years

The other day up at camp I was listening to the Joe Cocker’s With a Little Help from My Friends which to a certain generation in the early nineties is remembered as the theme song for the Wonder Years.

I honestly don’t remember much about that show except for the opening credits full of shots made on grainy 35 mm film of a mid century home and 1960s cars but I think the gist of the show was a bygone era that was somewhat troublesome but also simple compared to the modern times we are currently living in today.

Rain Soon

I sometimes wonder if I’ll look back at these days with the same kind of rose colored glasses that the Wonder Years looked back at the sixties. The seemingly simple world of the past, with the bad parts discarded into the bin of forgotten history. I’ll remember the good times but not the bad. I’ll think back on the stupid things I’ve done, winch just be glad I’m still alive.


But alas nostalgia is just a colorful imagination of a world that never really existed. There is no time but the present and things really are better in nearly all ways compared to the past. I might not be a fan of all the changes but with time we must accept both the good and the bad.

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