Kind of Negligent on Updating My Blog

I have to admit that lately, I’ve been kind of negligent about updating my blog. I really haven’t done a lot of new blog posts, except for my daily notes that I usually put together either right before bed or on the bus ride to work. Nothing really exciting. I’ve been spending more of my time lately working with the soldering iron, writing code for microprocessor projects, reading books, and other things. Probably better uses of my time then processing data, but still I kind of like to post interesting thing on the blog.

Part of my problem is I’ve been continuing to reinstall software on my laptop, so I’ve run into some issues when it comes to making new maps for the blog. I am always missing one package or another, and without internet access at home, it’s difficult to update things. Coming up with new and improved maps has also proven difficult – I lack the ambition to install all the data needed to make maps in other states, while the same time, I’ve run low on new areas to map or re-map in New York State. Likewise, I’ve made charts of many things that I can find easily to graph and put on the web.

Untitled [Expires August 17 2024]

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