Camping under a Full Moon on the East Branch

Once again this first weekend of December I camped on the East Branch of the Sacandaga River near Cod Pond. It was a nice night, but a bit cold and long, being that it's December.

Ride A Long In East Tennessee

I follow MD Creekmore's prepper channel on the YouTube. I was just watching this video of him visiting a creek down the way from his homestead as I was curious what the land looks like in part of Tennessee.

Reminds me a lot of Appalachia, a lot like parts of Pennsylvania and West Virginia. Pretty country and I've heard they're a lot more laid back than New York. One of the girls I went to High School with and farms now in New York is thinking about moving there due to the better gun laws and lower taxes.Β I think I should also put it on my list of states to explore further.Β