Hot Sauce Day 2016 Morning

Good morning! Hot Sauce Day. Spice up your Friday! It is currently sunny and 14 degrees in Delmar. It may be fairly chilly on the mercury scale but the sun makes it feel quite warm. The sun is incredibly bright for January in advance of the cold front that won’t actually make it here.

Today will be sunny, with a high near 26.
Northwest wind 5 to 7 mph. Sunset will be at 4:56 pm with twilight at 5:26 pm which is one minute and 16 seconds later then yesterday. Monday has the five o’clock sunset.

There are 4 months, 17 days until Best Friends Day. This day in 1973, The Supreme Court of the United States delivers its decisions in Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton, legalizing elective abortion in all fifty states. Talk about a hot topic for National Hot Sauce Day.

It’s finally a Friday! Make it a good one.