Cattle Skull

This cattle skull was hung up at the campsite on a tree. Cool! It appears to be from a dehorned cow, and the lower jaw is missing. I'm guessing it was brought on up by a SUNY Cobelskill Ag Student.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.


For being the "party" lake for SUNY Cobelskill students, it was remarkably clean and well upkept. Maybe those farm kids actually take care of the land. Actually, most of the lands around here are well upkept, in part thanks to Ranger Tom Edmons too.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.

Trash in the Firepit

It really annoys me when people leave trash around, especially things like beer cans that can't be burned, and have to be hauled out for recycling. Be green, rent a keg, or at least haul them out. That said, the rest of the site was pretty clean.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.

Old DEC Trash Barrel

There was a time when state provided trash barrels on all state lands, and they operated dump sites in out of way areas. This way, you didn't have to haul all your trash home.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.

Campfire Ring Under White Pines

I don't know if I would start a campfire under a White Pine plantation, near the parking area for Mallet Pond, but apparently people have used this in the past. Mallet Pond is one of the most popular places around for people from SUNY Cobelskill.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Mallet Pond State Forest.