Cab Full of Firewood

The seat and floor boards where stacked with firewood. It kept me going for the next 4 days, although I really didn't have big fires until the last day when I was up at Mountain Pond.

Taken on Wednesday August 11, 2010 at Moose River Plains.

Buying Firewood

There is this great place for campfire wood on Cedar River Plains Road, about 8 miles in. You get a lot of wood for $5.

Taken on Wednesday August 11, 2010 at Moose River Plains.

Goodnight Mr Sun

Thanks for illuminating this beautiful day, on the Plains and else wheres, including Cedar River Flow.

Taken on Wednesday August 11, 2010 at Moose River Plains.

Birch Trees in the Plains

The aciditic sandy soils of the Plains is not conductive to much tree life, although in some places there are wild plantations of birch and other trees.

Taken on Wednesday August 11, 2010 at Moose River Plains.