Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Fifty years later I'm pondering the final words of the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. 🏍 In terms of this larger pattern the lines at the end of this book still stand. We have won it. Things are better now. You can sort of tell these things. πŸͺ· Maybe I'm just sunburnt and it was just a dream as I reached the end of the audiobook I was listening to watching the Red Winged Black birds teary eyed. 🐦 πŸ‘€

Another Great Blue Heron

One of the things you will see paddling along the Hudson River in a kayak is a lot of Great Blue Herons along the shoreline. They like fish, and outside of the cities, the river is often quite quiet and undeveloped.

Taken on Saturday May 19, 2012 at Kayak the Hudson.