Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Fifty years later I'm pondering the final words of the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. 🏍 In terms of this larger pattern the lines at the end of this book still stand. We have won it. Things are better now. You can sort of tell these things. πŸͺ· Maybe I'm just sunburnt and it was just a dream as I reached the end of the audiobook I was listening to watching the Red Winged Black birds teary eyed. 🐦 πŸ‘€

Queens in 1924 and Today

Today is Queens Day in New York State. This comparison lets you zoom in and compare Queens today versus nearly 100 years ago in 1924. There was still a lot of agriculture in Queens back in the 1920s.

Why I unplug my microwave when it’s not in use

It might seem silly but I always unplug my microwave when it’s not in use.

A while back, I plugged my microwave into my Kill-a-Watt meter and found it was using 2 1/2 watts per hour, when the microwave was off to power the clock and controls 24-7. 60 watt hours a day, doesn’t sound like a lot but there are 365 days a year, and that works out to be nearly 22 kW/h a year.

At 15 cents a kilowatt hour, that’s $3.30 a year. Not a real big expense, but every little thing adds up. Not to mention the carbon emissions, the pollution from the extraction of coal, uranium and natural gas to spin the turbines.

Not a lot, but electricity isn’t free and unplugging the microwave isn’t a lot of work.