Rural Freedom


I was listening to this podcast on the way in today. Taxes, maintance cost, acreage that is build-able, among other things are big considerations. More information is good, and while I don't necessarily agree with everything in this podcast, I am considering each topic they discuss carefully.

Brandon Rhyder – Haggard

I need to get out of the city, drive a country mile
Get back to my roots, before two worlds collide
I want sausage biscuit gravy, sweet tea from a jug
So jump into my pickup truck, and I’ll fire it up

We burn our trash out in the backyard in a barrel
We feed our dogs and cats our table scraps
We get our eggs straight from the hen house, and our water from a well
Dig our onions and our taters from the ground
Yippee yi yo, yippee yi yay, I’m feelin' kind of haggard today

I want to get out on the river, catch a mess of fish
Throw a big ol’ party, that you don’t want to miss
We’ll have washer pits and horseshoes, shine and chocolate pie
'Cause when I’m on the swing with her it makes me almost high

Reminds me of traveling in Western Pennsylvnia, smelling the cow shit, the burnt plastic in the burning barrels, the oil wells, the kerosene and coal smoke from the rural homes. Beautiful, wild country, even if it's been blasted away from the explosions of powder and the coal mining.