The Most Average of Days

The average yearly temperature for Albany is 48 degrees. That means that half of year, the mercury is either above or below 48 degrees. Which makes sense, especially when you consider how cold winter is.

We have a six days per year when the average temperature for the day is 48 degrees:

  • April 15 – Average 48, High 58, Low 37
  • April 16 – Average 48, High 59, Low 38
  • October 19 –Β Average 48, High 59, Low 38
  • October 20 –Β Average 48, High 58, Low 38
  • October 21 –Β Average 48, High 58, Low 38
  • October 22 –Β Average 48, High 57, Low 38

Fully Autonomous Cars May Be Decades Away, If They Ever Arrive

Fully Autonomous Cars May Be Decades Away, If They Ever Arrive

"In practical terms, though, we’re ages from getting there. Why? As security researchers at the University of Washington discovered, as smart as partially autonomous technology is, it’s a long ways from being smart enough to operate a vehicle in anything but perfect conditions, and it’s easy to throw that technology into turmoil. Sometimes with as little as a sticker placed on a stop sign."

We Have Less Than 5% Chance of Avoiding ‘Dangerous’ Global Warming

We Have Less Than 5% Chance of Avoiding ‘Dangerous’ Global Warming

"Our chances of keeping warming under dangerous levels by the end of this century are increasingly slim, according to two new studies published Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change."

"The first study took a statistical approach to examine likely warming scenarios by 2100, finding a less than five percent chance of holding warming below two degrees C and a less than one percent chance of keeping it under 1.5 degrees."