Boxing Day Night

Good evening. Currently 41 degrees and cloudy. Rain expected around midnight here, around 1/2 inch expected by morning. We have to watch out starting Monday night for a snow storm or ice storm that could leave 5-8 inches by Tuesday. Or possibly ice. Definitely something to watch if you plan on driving anywhere on Tuesday.

It was a nice day, avoiding most of the rain except for a few rain drops here and there. Mostly cloudy but for a while we had some blue skies. Certainly much better than expected earlier on. The weather was temperate and about 45 degrees for a high. It was a bit chilly sitting with the heater off. I decided to spend a second day out in Madison County when I heard that the rain wouldn’t be coming until late. I took down the tent, so I wouldn’t have to take it down in the rain tomorrow. It’s not that cold, so I’ll just camp in the truck cap. Most of the gear is ready to be packed tomorrow, so I’ll get a quote start in the rain tomorrow. I thought about stringing up a tarp in case the rain came early but decided against that, on grounds that if I did that the tarp would get wet,  and I’d have to dry it out when I go home.

Today I went down to Rogers Environmental Education Center and hiked around it for a couple of hours and explored the visitor center. I always love exploring down there, it always is brimming with wildlife and the views from the farm tower are always great. I know I went down there three weeks ago, but that was a brief visit and I didn’t get much time to enjoy the wildlife.

The insta-start propane lantern is great. I love being able to start it as easy as turning on a light. My liquid fuel lantern is hard to start after dark, as you have to pump it up then light a match. With the insta-start, you just turn the knob and press the button next to it with your thumb. Usually only one click except when it’s windy, then a few clicks. It’s hooked into the big propane tank via 13 feet of hose, and being relatively light, I have it strung from a rope, like 7 foot in air, so it casts light all over the campsite. It is rated 810 lumens or equal to a 60 watt bulb, although I think the higher pressure tank I have hooked to makes it somewhat brighter. Probably not as bright as some of the electric lights I have but it doesn’t drain my battery and it’s a 360 degree light. At least hooked via the “y” with the heater hooked to the other end, the excess propane burns out of the line in ten seconds when the tank is turned off and the heater and lantern are on. I was concerned with burning off the excess propane in the line, but it’s not a big deal.

It’s hard to say with this winter, but my feeling is that roadside camping will be done after tonight. But I still plan to camp in lean-tos and in the tent throughout the winter, as long as the weather is relatively mild. We will see what the weather is like going forward. April will be here in four months and the snow will melt.

Have a great evening. 2016 will be upon us before you know it.

Boxing Day Morning 2015

Good morning. Mostly cloudy with some breaks of sun on this day know as Boxing Day in Canada. 34 degrees. Forty four later and mostly cloudy to cloudy.

It was a nice evening last night and toasty in the tent this morning once I turned on the heater. Cooked up a nice breakfast. Now just sitting back listening to weekend edition.

I think I will probably camp another night because the rain us supposed to hold off until 11 PM. I might take down the tent and get most of the gear ready to leave in the morning so I won’t have to take gear down in the rain. Probably will go down to Sherburne later today.

I don’t know. I’ll keep an eye on the sky. Have a great day.