Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Fifty years later I'm pondering the final words of the Zen of Motorcycle Maintenance. 🏍 In terms of this larger pattern the lines at the end of this book still stand. We have won it. Things are better now. You can sort of tell these things. πŸͺ· Maybe I'm just sunburnt and it was just a dream as I reached the end of the audiobook I was listening to watching the Red Winged Black birds teary eyed. 🐦 πŸ‘€

Nelson Swamp

Nelson Swamp

Large wetlands outside of Cazenovia in Central New York. 

Full Market Value per Acre Guilderland

Full Market Value per Acre Guilderland

I had made a series of these maps a while ago, but I didn't do Guilderland as I had an issue with tax map print keys not matching up. I was able to resolve that issue and now here is that map.

Trace the Black River Canal !

If you want to do something fun, you can trace how the Alder Pond Dam diverts water from the upper Black River lakes (such as North Lake, Woodhull Lake, South Lake, Sand Lake) into the Black River Canal, the upper part which is still used for moving water to the Lansing Kill which dumps into the Mohawk River and Delta Reservoir in Westernville.