Growing Appreciation for Partridge Run

I got up early this past Sunday morning to drive out to Partridge Run. While the morning did not work out for photography, I drove out to Beaver Road and parked my pickup down at the Lower Pond, and went out for a walk around the pond.

Something hit me about this area. It’s not like I haven’t been here, dozens of other times. Yet, somehow it’s different at this hour of morning. It’s quieter, more peaceful, more open. It’s also true that it’s been a number of weeks since I’ve been up to Partridge Run, and somehow it’s solitude touched me at the deepest level.

Along Pheasant Truck Trail

There is nothing up here, but mountains, the pond, and the set of three, Great Blue Harrons that spent the night sleeping on the shore. The sky lets pieces of blue appear between the clouds, any to d the sun continues to try to peak out in the east. The weather may not be perfect, but it sure is beautiful up here.

I honestly do not know what I would do if there was not places like Partridge Run to go up and explore, and find some solitude. The world would be so empty, so lacking just largely unrefined spaces for people to go and be just for a couple of hours.