With the year drawing to a close in a week …

I think it’s been a good year.

As they say, years don’t matter much but decades matter much more. Last year I didn’t think was a real good year, not terrible but also not great. The markets crapped out the second half of 2022, leaving me feeling less enthusiastic with my progress on saving and growing my wealth, getting closer to my future goals. While I learned a fair bit in 2022, everything seemed like a bit of a step down from 2021, with remote work done and the year taken up a lot of work.

But with 2023 coming a close, I think my 40th year of my life has been a much better one.

For one, starting next year I start my exciting new career as Director of Data Services. It’s significantly more pay, at least when you look at the round number in mind, though it’s not really that much more with inflation. That means more savings. But this past year as also been one of a lot of learning, and personal growth. I have lost a lot of weight, while my investments have swelled with a strong stock market, even while the bond investments slackened and CD and savings struggled to keep up with the rolling inflation. Gas prices were down, my truck was running well, so I had a delightful summer vacation in the Finger Lakes and a great trip to West Virginia, along with many smaller but wonderful trips like the one I’m currently on out in Madison County, along with other trips this summer and autumn to the Adirondacks and Central New York. Caring about my health and eating good quality foods really improved not just my waist line but also my physical and mental health — my doctor’s check up showed me in a good health, despite occasionally peeing and pooping a lot due to my newly found water and fiber-rich healthy eating habits.

I am hoping next year will also be a great one. I’ll do my best.


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