Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Heatwave! Or so they are promising next week. 🏊️ I'll believe it when I see it. The good news is black fly season is mostly over at this point, so it will make for some good weekends in the wilderness seeking out swimming holes and other places away from the city that aren't nearly as hot.

Bear Road 1956

Muck farming in the now protected wetlands along Bear Creek in the suburbs of North Syracuse and Clay. 


If you don’t do it now, you will never do it. Hurry in, deals like this don’t last! You could drop dead tomorrow, so be best to do it today.

The frenzied marketing of today emphasizes missing out. It is all persuasive, it part of the ideology of many people. Things that accumulate and compound for good are best to do today but a fear of simply missing out is not a good reason for doing something.

You simply won’t do everything in your life that you desire. Somethings will pass you by, it’s impossible to do everything. But if you invest in your self – save, invest, eat healthy and exercise – you keep a lot more doors open for the future. Waiting until you are fully ready can often be the best option.