Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Heatwave! Or so they are promising next week. 🏊️ I'll believe it when I see it. The good news is black fly season is mostly over at this point, so it will make for some good weekends in the wilderness seeking out swimming holes and other places away from the city that aren't nearly as hot.

Malta / Round Lake – Year of Forest Cutting

With the development of rapidly growing Saratoga Exurbs and construction of the state-subsidized Luther Forest Chip Fabrication plant, there has been significant tree cutting in recent years in area around Malta and Round Lake.

Roaring Brook

Driving along the Roaring Brook on Kelley Stand Road during Memorial Day Weekend.

Windham Area Peaks

Terrain  Windham Area Peaks

I have put together a series of maps of the peaks in the Catskill that show elevation and contours of peaks, mostly as an experiment to develop and learn about new types of mapping.