
The Brainwashing Scene (1974)

Something about this film scene comes straight out of Donald Trump - Take Back America propaganda film I posted earlier. The same kind of psychological trickery, fast flashing photos and films, dramatic music. I could see how it would excite a crowd.


Some humor from a guy that I find often quite funny.

The Other America

r. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s 1967 speech at Stanford. Here, he expounds on his nonviolent philosophy and methodology.

In this age of disorder and anger, I think his words are quite profound.

Phil Ochs – Crucifixion (Live)

β€œIt’s a song about Christ-killing, how all America and even, especially, New York loves to create heroes to moralize to them and then kill them violently, bloodily and dig the death so much, every detail of the death. It’s a song about Jesus Christ. It’s called The Crucifixion. It’s a song about Kennedy. And maybe a song about Dylan.”
- Phil Ochs