Getting ready for the blizzard

Getting ready for the blizzard in Albany which based on the current forecast seems more like a moderate snow storm then a blizzard in Albany.

Nothing real special for me, just parked my truck on the grass away from where they normally plow so it won’t get super buried in the snow. This way, when next weekend comes, I’ll just dig it out and my parking space will be free of snow.

Other than that, probably will wear my insulated hunting boots to work, keeping my feet dry and my suit clean. My wool overcoat with scarf and gloves is plenty warm, regardless of what God throws at us.

Stocked up on groceries and filled my gas tank up on the truck, but I usually do that on Sunday. Normally don’t drive on weekdays so the snow will have minimal effect on my plans.

However other real special plans for the blizzard, besides just checking the real-time bus info before heading out. I am not super worries and will just enjoy the wintery conditions over the next few work days.

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