Friday Before Labor Day

Good Morning! Happy Thursday. Tomorrow starts Labor Day Weekend, if you can believe it. This morning started out as a beautiful early fall day, but it’s obvious the heat is starting to crank up by quarter of eight am this morning. This holiday weekend is going to be a warm one, with summer weather being the norm, with an increasing chance of thunderstorms starting on Sunday.

Off to Moose River Plains Early Saturday. At least that’s the plan if all goes well. I think I will be at work late enough on Friday and I don’t know when I will be getting my truck back on Friday from the shop – repairing the seat issue – that I don’t think it’s reasonable to leave that day. But I want to get things cleaned up and packed on Friday night if possible, and head out early for the long weekend.

Probably camp up there for two days, and maybe do some kayak fishing on Cedar River Flow. I tried last time fishing Helldiver Pond from the shore, and all I caught was some pretty tiny bullheads. I don’t really like bullheads, but they do cook up decently. Probably once fall comes, an d I have my truck finally totally fixed up, I will do more fishing, and hopefully catch things that taste better then bullheads. Maybe do some hiking, especially if I end up going to Inlet on Sunday, as I expect I may have to do to check my email and phone.

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