Daily Update – September 16, 2022

Good morning! Survived another week, made it to Friday. 😲

I was going to work from home today or probably more like work from the woods but I have a meeting and backgrounds to review this morning in the legislative office.

Partly sunny and 56 degrees in Albany, NY. ⛅ There is a north-northwest breeze at 5 mph. 🍃. The dew point is 47 degrees.

Been just another long week. 🏢 The work never seems to stop, everything seems to be a shit show and I forget things. 📄 I’ve learned though not to respond to emails 📧 after hours and use schedule send not to bother others unless it’s urgent during the off hours.

The latest thing I’ve been studying is Selenium for extracting data from interactive websites. 🖥 There is a lot of data out there on the internet that really can only be extracted using a full web browser with clicking and interacting with the fully rendered page. Basic html is fewer and farther between. For example, state board of elections election night returns. But with selenium you can control the full Firefox or Chrome browser and extract the data just like you would with rvest on more basic sites but with scripted clicks and text entry. Having some trouble getting Selenium up and running but I’m excited about the possibilities.

I got my electric bill 🔌 and it’s back up but part of it after Labor Day I turned my hot water heater back on because cold showers 🛀 aren’t fun with it not being so warm out. I think it was like $68 which the days of $50 utilities off season seem to be long gone. ♨️ Before you know it winter heating season will be back but I’ll keep the heat off and turned down as long as possible in favor of the electric blanket and going to bed early and occasional use of the space heater. I make good money 💵 but I hate to incinerate cash 🔥 that can be invested towards owning my own land. 🐮

I might do an overnight tomorrow to Rennselearville State Forest ⛺. Not a big trip just a day trip for hiking and wildlife observation on the haul roads and then maybe up on Mount Pisgah 🗻 or Scutt Road to look at the Catskills. I should use my view scape models to make up some maps of the viewable area from the overlooks.

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