Bender Mellon

Been out exploring the Bender Mellon Preserve on this first day of 2023🚢 🍈 πŸ—»

Trails are kind of wet and the sun is rapidly setting but it’s going to be great once the ground freezes and I can bring some skis. I’m a bit disappointed by the views from the preserve but it’s kind of a muddy and gray day, and the area with the best views is off limits right now due to the abandoned buildings. Not that it’s likely to stop anyone, doubt there’s many game cops out here patrolling. But much too muddy.

It’s a bit noisy from NY 85 and 85A but that’s to be predicted for a suburban preserve. It’s currently a mixed habitat, with only the upper acres brush hogged so it’s full of wildlife like deer, geese and squirrels. Come the right season and I’m sure it would be packed with birds. I’m just glad it’s within a short – two or three mile walk from home, especially in these inflationary times when motor vehicle travel is so expensive.

I’m glad it’s preserved as I need more nature near where I live to explore, as I get tired of Five Rivers Environmental Education Center and this place in the winter on the rail trail is very skiable from home.

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