August 19, 2015 evening

78 degrees and mostly cloudy on this summer evening. It’s the end to a hot day with a light breeze and the crickets singing. It got humid around 2 PM and I was sweating like a pig, but for most of day the breeze made the heat manageable. I survived in my very much not air conditioned apartment, spending most of my day resting my foot in hope of returning to work tommorow.

Evenings certainly aren’t the same without the evening walk or going down to the Park. I will probably drive down there some nice evenings but it ain’t the same not being able to walk the approximately 5 miles I used to walk daily before I injured my foot. Well, it’s only one month, and I’ve certainly in the past been cooped up in an office for over a month during campaign season.

That said it’s still not that easy to get into my big jacked up truck with the sprained ankle. It’s just a long ways up. I accidentally put too much strain on the ankle earlier today climbing in the truck, and while the pain quickly dissipated, it was certainly a step back on the road to recovery. I just got to make sure I’m always just pulling myself up and only using the right leg or cruches to lift myself into truck.

My hope is to get back up to the woods at this point for Labor Day Weekend. I suspect by then my sprained ankle will be sufficiently healed that I can occasionally take off the sprain boot if I’m careful – as it’s three weeks from the injury.

But realistically it will be fall by the time this long nightmare comes to an end. Had I not sprained my ankle I would have been on my way to the Finger Lakes this evening. It would have been a fun weekend swimming and paddling in the lakes. But this weekend trip is basically over. Fall is really the next thing on my agenda. I get the boot off only about one week before peak color in the higher elevations of the Adirondacks. Still there is a lot of fall left to enjoy and hunting season before winter’s snow and cold nights bring the 2015 camping and traveling season to a close for me.

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