Photo of Andy Arthur

Andy Arthur

Heatwave! Or so they are promising next week. 🏊️ I'll believe it when I see it. The good news is black fly season is mostly over at this point, so it will make for some good weekends in the wilderness seeking out swimming holes and other places away from the city that aren't nearly as hot.

How Country Livin’ makes you Richer.

Country living pushes you to be more financially independent, while urban living pushes you to be more dependent on companies, banks, land-owners and creature comforts.

Mine Kill Swimming Pool

Just a reminder of the nice summer days to come in the Schoharie Valley and lands across New York State.

Hammond Pond

On the way back home, I stopped by Hammond Pond, which is what Hammond Pond Wild Forest is named after. I wasn't particularly impressed, the horseflies were bad, and I was tired so I only stopped briefly. Quick hike back on an old woods road from the parking area.

Taken on Saturday June 27, 2020 at Hammond Pond.