November 29, 2015 morning

Good morning. Currently 12 degrees and clear this morning. Later the temperature will triple to 36 degrees and sunny. Northwest wind 5 to 8 mph.

Cold night last night but not quite as cold as tonight which will be down around 11 degrees in the Adirondacks. Sunny today though, and I will shortly be getting up to make coffee and make the most of the day.

November 28, 2015 evening

Good evening. After a dark and dreary day, a chilly but clear and starry evening. Currently 22 degrees at Mason Lake in the Adirondacks. The moon is helping to keep the skies pretty bright and with a roaring campfire it doesn’t seem so cold.

Sunrise tomorrow at 7:07 AM, and it will be sunny and cold. Tomorrow will have a high maxing near 36. Northwest wind 5 to 8 mph.

Today I hiked up to the ridge above Mason Lake. Then it was kind of a lazy morning. Snowy Mountain was locked in fog as were all the other hills and mountains around. I had to go to Indian Lake to get gasoline for the camp stove and decided to drive through Moose River Plains to see what it looks like in late November. Still no snow there, but snow flurries around as you drove through there and one of the swamps was iced up. Not many people camping up there and most of the hunters had thinned out and left for the year. Other places had more people hunting. Honestly though, Moose River Plains looked mostly like it does in the summer but with a lot fewer people. The lack of campers except for two at Wakely Dam makes me think the DEC chased people out last night before the rain, just in case the rain turned to snow.

Getting back to camp, I headed back up on the ridge – actually the other side to observe nature. I also went down to the lake for a while then gathered up firewood for the night.