Twenty Seventeen

Twenty Seventeen

Congratulations if you can read the above text. You’ve made it into the new year. Last time the year was a prime number was six years ago in 2011, the next time won’t be another decade until 2027.

Seventeen years have gone by since 2000, and the whole Y2K scare. I remember it like yesterday, I was a junior in high school back then. Really doesn’t seem that long ago.

We’ve entered the future, a new era in our country’s history. None of really know what will happen this year, at best it’s an educated guess. We have a new president and large Republican majorities in congress, who will certainly want to take us in a new direction. What it really means in our lives, is to be seen.

Today I will probably go out hiking then camping later on in the Adirondacks. Been a long time since I’ve been up here, and I like to get out to the mountains from time to time. It would be fun to kick off the new year hiking then spending the night in the woods.

I look forward to the new year and the challenges it will bring.

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