Not Again on Paris

I am very disappointed with President Trump’s decision to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement. It seems like we always are taking one step forward on climate change, make some progress under a Democratic president and then a Republican is elected and he or she undoes the good work of their predecessor. Even though the science is overwhelming on what the impacts of climate change, the political will to take serious action is lacking. 

Democrats can point fingers until the cows come home. They can blame the GOP for dragging their feet. They can say that they have too little political power and the voters haven’t given them a mandate to address a future problem, when most people are more concerned about getting a paycheck do they can put a roof over their head and feed their family. All valid observations but that’s not getting us closer to finding serious solutions. 

Conservatives and businesses who are change adverse have been very successful at blocking climate change action largely on grounds that most people are more concerned about today rather than tomorrow. Liberals on their part have focused too much on micro managing climate action, making lifestyle statements about how virtuous and green they are while not tackling the big industrial questions of the day. Rhetoric is nice but if you’re not willing to tackle full on the big polluters in favor of going after the little guy, your not helpful, your making things worse. 

Climate change action will happen eventually. But deferred action only increases the costs and the damage. Mankind will never live to undo the damage he has wrecked upon the climate. But we can reduce future damage and stop digging out own graves so quickly. 

Since 1990, they’ve been talking about a 90% reduction of carbon below that years levels by 2050 or levels around 350 ppm. We’ve gotten further away from that goal. And now 2050 is only 30 years away – I won’t even be 67 at that point. It’s scary how quickly it’s coming. Maybe my life won’t be that impacted by climate change tomorrow but the future is rapidly approaching and I have real concerns. 

I’m just very disappointed with the president. I had high hopes for change and a fresh perspective on issues of the day but on climate, all we’ve gotten is a step backwards. 

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