
Shots – Health News : NPR

A genetically modified purple tomato can now be raised by home gardeners : Shots – Health News : NPR

As home gardeners in the U.S. page through seed catalogs and pick out their favorite heirlooms, there's a new seed that has never been available to them before: a tomato the color of a concord grape with plum-colored flesh. It looks otherworldly, maybe Photoshopped. But it's not.

This nightshade is purple because its creators at Norfolk Plant Sciences worked for about 20 years to hack color genes from a snapdragon flower into the plant. The genes not only provide pigment, but high levels of anthocyanin, a health-promoting compound.

This dusky fruit, named the Purple Tomato, is the first genetically modified food crop to be directly marketed to home gardeners – the seeds went on sale Saturday. Last year, a handful of small farmers started growing and selling the tomatoes, but until now, genetically modified foods were generally only available to commercial producers in the U.S.

The TRUTH about Meal Replacements

I used to be interested in things like sugar-free food and MSG but lately I've decided it's better to avoid all that junk for basic, simple whole-foods.

Okay in moderation is not okay

Most recovered alcoholics and former smokers will never pick up another drink or smoke another cigarette. Not because a single beer or smoke is likely to kill you but because they know how truly hard moderation is. People have far less self control then one may want to believe.

The best way to avoid bad behavior is not through moderation but by making the bad behavior as difficult as possible to engage in. It’s hard to not eat a marshmallow when it’s in front of you but it’s much easier to not eat it if you didn’t buy it in the first place. If you want to do something in moderation then the best way to do it is make it difficult and limit it to exceptional, rarely happened upon circumstances