Search Results for: "Map:" Long Island

Cross River Drive – Long Island Pinelands

The Long Island Pine Barrens share many of the characteristics to Albany Pine Bush, although they tend to be flatter and have somewhat different species. One noticeable part of the Pine Lands is how sprawl creeped right up to them and through them before it was stopped.

Long Island Solar Farm

The Long Island Solar Farm (LISF) is a 32-megawatt solar photovoltaic power plant built through a collaboration including BP Solar, the Long Island Power Authority (LIPA), and the Department of Energy. The LISF, located on the Brookhaven National Laboratory site, began delivering power to the LIPA grid in November 2011, and is currently the largest solar photovoltaic power plant in the Eastern United States. It is generating enough renewable energy to power approximately 4,500 homes, and is helping New York State meet its clean energy and carbon reduction goals.