Search Results for: photo wet 4


Ashland Pinnacle is to the extreme right, with the East Jewett Range in the foreground, and Evergreen, Rusk, Hunter behind it.

Taken on Saturday August 28, 2010 at Ashland Pinnacle State Forest.

After The Pavement Runs Out

About a two miles from the paved end of NY 421, I camped. This is first thing in the morning, with the sun shining down from the wetlands near where I camped.

Taken on Friday August 13, 2010 at Horseshoe Lake.

Wet July Walk at Five Rivers

On Friday evening I decided to go for a little walk at Five Rivers Nature Preserve, not all that far from my apartment in Delmar. It was a cloudy evening out, but with some sun peaking through the clouds.

Hammock Bug Net

There was lots of wildlife out there enjoying the moist weather between the bands of showers that where coming through.

Number of Wildfires by Month in NY State Since 2008

Then it started to rain, so I ran over to this shelter.


After the rain there where some spectular rainbows.

Pot of Gold

And an almost mystical environment.

Hazy Tail

But it lead to some muddy boots.

Mud on Boots

And some beautiful flowers.

 Big Bay Of Piseco Lake

The route.

View Hikes of 2009 in a larger map

Friday, putting off heading out of town until Tuesday πŸ•οΈ

I just wasn’t sure about the weather this evening, and I was like do I need two nights camping in Vermont when I’m heading up north come Tuesday after work through Sunday to beat the heat wave. I am at one level bummed out about not camping this weekend, but this evening looks stormy and wet and it would be a lot of work to pack and unpack for the weekend. Plus my bike broke down again yesterday, only hours after I got it back on the road.

Yesterday was a pretty nice day, 😎 warm but not super humid. Put the fixed tire back on the bike, I went to Albany Rural Cementary for a ride and to take a second look at Erastus Corning’s grave stone, because I accidentially deleted the previous photos πŸ–Ό I took of the grave. Then I rode home, got refreshed with some kefir and blueberries along with rice and beans, laid back for a minutes and headed out on my way. Then I rode home.

Last night I rode down to Pine Hill Arboretum. 🌲 I was going to go to the bank but forgot my check at home. It was nice there, but buggy. I do wish they also had more of the trees identified for easy knowledge. Still it’s a place of serenity — bar the road noise — I should visit more often, it’s not far from home.

Then I rode out to the Bender Mellon Farm Preserve until a little before dusk. πŸŒ† Started hearing a louder clicking noise from the front wheel. I thought I had a loose or broken spoke — but when I got home and started checking the tightness of spokes — all seemed good, I was worried I might have a failing wheel bearing. It’s the front wheel, so it’s cheaper to replace if necessary. I didn’t ride into work today, as I didn’t want to damaged things. But coming home tonight, studying the wheel more carefully and watching the rotator spin, I think I might have caused the problem myself — I tried adjusting the wheel and bent spoke myself and I think I just made it even more out of true. I got to go back to the shop and hand over even more money tomorrow. πŸ’° It’s a bike, I ride it a lot, it’s cheaper then car repairs I tell myself. Hopefully they’ll have it fixed by Tuesday.

I was going to go out to Vermont this weekend, πŸ• but with the heat wave coming and my desire to get to the Potholers, I decided against it. I took off Thursday and Friday — Wednesday is also a holiday, so I plan to head north on Tuesday. Originally I planning on going to Stewart Landing and maybe hammock camping there Tuesday or Wednesday, then heading up to the Potholers but I am concern I’ll have work shit to do and need good cell service. πŸ“±Better to camp up around Mason Lake for the first two or three nights, then on Thursday or Friday head over to Piseco-Powley for two or three nights. I figure if I’m unreachable come Friday and Saturday, it’s not the end of world, I’m doing the vacation thing and all of the targets 🎯 that need to be cut will be cut and the rest of things can wait or others can do it. I might be talented with the SQL statements and AWK and R but others know how to use computers too. πŸ–₯ I’m going to miss the Save the Pine Bush organizational meeting, at some bar off of New Scotland, but I’d rather be in the wilderness then trying to stay cool in my nasty old apartment.

The house down the road from my parents house 🏚is up for sale and I am going to tour with the saleperson. It’s a nice size house wise at under 800 sq feet, but it’s only 4 1/ 2acres and it’s right on the main road, so I’d be sleeping with road noise all of the time. Price is good at $150k cash as is, but it’s need a lot of work I’m told. No moldy carpet which is nice though. They won’t finance it though, the power and water is off and I don’t know about the systems. πŸ” I guess I’m serious that’s things for the home inspector to determine. Not sure if it’s right for me, though I could see adding a heat pump and solar and it might be good as a round out my career in Data Services before leaving New York for good in 13 or 14 years when I hit 45. I’m looking at it before work on Monday at 7:30 AM, probably won’t be able to catch the bus in but I can drive. Maybe my bike can be picked up after work. Plus driving in means I get home a bit earlier, which is good as I need to pack for my five days in wilderness beating the heat. 🏊 I’m really excited about using the rubber tube, floating and swimming in the potholers and going kayaking. πŸ›Ά I’m actually not that serious about the property, more curious, and I want to get the Adirondacks then spend my days in a lawyer offices. But it’s worth a look.

That said, I’m hoping I get my bike back by Tuesday, 🚴‍♀️ and it can be an option of activities to do up north, although honestly it seems like it’s going to be too hot to do an awful lot of riding. I think it’s more of a weekend to swim and float, maybe do some kayaking. Lots of reading and relaxing, that is when work doesn’t interrupt things. ⏰ At least at the potholers nobdoy can reach me or bother me.