May 16, 2016 Evening

I’m glad that I wore the overcoat to work today, As it was frigid at the bus stop. The bus tonight is running remarkably on time or maybe slightly early. But it is a chilly, blustery evening with temperatures around 53 degrees and winds pushing from the west around 20 miles per hour with gusts up to 40 mph. While it was clear earlier now some clouds are creeping in. Dusk tonight is at 8:45.

Traffic is light at this hour, and making good progress home. Been a long day, although everything mostly went without a hitch. Kind of hungry. I probably will have a quick dinner and then bundle up and head out for the evening walk. I guess it’s not really that cold out. No frost bite at 50 degrees even with gale strength wind.

Tomorrow is Tuesday and weekend ain’t far away. Saturday is the full moon. Cloudy and not so cold tomorrow. We might get a quick shower tomorrow but I’m not expecting a wash out.

Kind of a pretty evening with the clouds a pink and blue as this Monday concludes. Have a great evening.

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