May 6, 2016 Morning

Three weeks from now will be the start of the Memorial Day Weekend. Happy Friday. Black fly season. Cloudy this morning and 52 degrees. Some blue in the western part of the sky; it’s sunny in Buffalo. 64 degrees later and rain is likely. Was running a little late this morning but I walked quickly and made it to the express bus in time.

Continued cloudiness for Saturday with a chance of showers. 64 degrees for the high. More sun on Sunday afternoon with a high of only 58. The typical high for Mother’s Day is 67, so it will be a fairly cool one in contrast. More sun for the first half of the week.

Sunset tonight at 8:01 pm, the first sunset of the year after eight in Albany. Dusk occurs around 8:33 pm which would be nice if we weren’t expecting more rain. At least it’s helping the land green up and keeping the fire risk down.

Today in 1994, Former Arkansas state worker Paula JonesΒ files a lawsuit against United States PresidentΒ Bill Clinton, alleging that he had sexually harassed her inΒ 1991. The good old 1990s. Let’s bring back those good old days say some.

Back in 1949, computer technology took a major leap forward today withΒ EDSAC, the first practical electronic digitalΒ stored-program computer, running its first operation.

May 5, 2016 Evening

Good evening. Continued cloudy conditions around 58 degrees. No rain expected but kind of stuck in the cloudy pattern. 47 degrees for a low tonight with a chance of showers by morning. Sunset tonight at 8 pm even in Albany. Not exactly a real nice evening for Cinco de Mayo on a patio somewhere.

Five months from now will be Labor Day. Fortunately in the meantime, we have a lot of summer to enjoy. After all, it’s only just the beginning of May.

May 5, 2016 Morning

Good morning. Continued cloudy, damp, cool conditions today but not much rain expected. It’s 49 degrees now and we expect to reach 57 later. The average high for today is 66 degrees. Not exactly a nice day for sitting on a patio sipping a cold one on this Cinco de Mayo. The wet conditions and warmer nights have really made the leaves start to pop. Getting pretty green outside.

Uploaded some new maps to the blog including an Albany County population density map for today. It shows population density in persons per acre which is kind of interesting to look at the city versus surrounding areas.

Tomorrow is Friday. That makes me happy as its been a long week. I left my headphones home, so I don’t have music to entertain me on the bus ride. That sucks but I made the bus in time.

On Cinco de Mayo in 1866,Β Memorial DayΒ first celebrated in United States atΒ Waterloo, New York. Now that area is primarily known for the Seneca Meadows landfill, which actually dwarfs that small city.

Have a great day. Sorry that the weather sucks.

May 4, 2016 Evening

Good evening. Continued dampness with times of rain showers this evening. Currently 50 degrees but it will be dropping to 44 degrees by morning. Sunset tonight is at 7:59 pm in Albany.

Lately it seems like we have gotten in a pattern of cold and rainy weather. We might get a break for Monday and Tuesday next week in the weather department but more clouds and showers for a week from now. But that’s a long way off.

Two months from now is Independence Day. This year Independence Day falls on a Monday. It’s a three day weekend but it’s not real good if you plan to see fireworks on July 4th and need a day to recover.

I didn’t realize today was a Wednesday until midday. I guess it’s a good thing that we are only two days away from the weekend. Recovering from vacation and getting back to work can be so hard.

I’ve been so darn tired all week. I think it’s the weather. Been getting to bed early and the red light really helps with the sleep but I need a quiet weekend to recover. Ill try to get to bed early again tonight.