May 7, 2016 Evening

After getting the new version of the blog up, I managed to break it. It worked perfectly for a while, but then I noticed my internal weather webpages weren’t working, in an enabling them I broke everything else. But now it’s up and working again — along with a half dozen other bug fixes and improvements I implemented this evening.

In case you aren’t on the blog, check out the fresh, very quick loading blog at It puts the stuff that 90% of people come for the blog up top. No links were broken, and actually, it automatically fixes a lot of mistyped and old URLs to the proper one with the updated code.

Currently as my internal weather station on the blog says, it’s 60 degrees and mostly cloudy down at the town park. Some blue skies up there in between the big rain clouds, but still pretty cloudy. Midday we had quite a bit of sun, but not so much now. The wind is picking up this evening and by late night it will be quite blustery. Now Mother’s Day doesn’t look as nice weather-wise but the work week looks quite warm and sunny. Not hot but typical warmth for the second week of May.

Enjoy your evening!

2016 Proposed Tax Cap Override

This map shows the 36 school districts that are proposing to override the tax cap in 2016. The list come Election Day may be somewhat smaller, as some schools that notified that Education Department that they would override the cap may choose not to do it based on public feedback, along with increased state aid.

May 6, 2016 Night

55 degrees and rain this evening. More rain on and off this evening, stopping by morning. Low around 49. Cloudy tomorrow, showers Saturday night, clearing for the second half of Mothers Day.

For the blog renovations done this evening. Not super major changes but some good navigation changes based on how people actually use the blog. Hopefully will go live tomorrow.

Need to get a haircut tomorrow and do some cleaning around. With cloudy wet conditions expected tomorrow, I’m not planning much. My view is so be it.

May 6, 2016 Evening

Talk about a long week. But somehow we survived. 58 degrees with light rain coming down this evening. While we might get rain for the start of Mother’s Day, it’s going to clear out and be partly to mostly sunny for the balance of the day. Saturday will be cloudy with showers.

Tired. After dinner I may just go to bed. Looking forward to a nice quiet weekend. Going to try to get the next generation of the blog up and running. We will see. Looking forward to nicer weather next week.

Three weeks from now, I’ll be wherever I decide to go for Memorial Day Weekend. I’m increasingly thinking Vermont for a change, but where exactly is to be decided. Only though if the weather seems nice.

Traffic is moving decently well along 787, but relatively heavy for a Friday. Probably folks stayed home on this rainy evening. I don’t think it will be that bad of a commute.