May 9, 2016 9 AM Update

As we head into the 9 o’clock hour we are up to 51 degrees on our way up to 61 or maybe 64 degrees. Things are really greening up in the city and there are nothing but fair weather clouds this morning. There are too many months of brown without leaves in Albany.

Definitely a nice day. I know when I have to head between buildings at work today, I’ll go above ground rather than the dark and dank tunnels downtown.

Three weeks from now will be Memorial Day with all the parades and such. While I’ve been waiting for summer forever, it still seems like Memorial Day is early this year with the cold April and May. I wonder how much of Moose River Plains will be open this year, I’ll though I doubt I’ll be heading up that way this year for the holiday weekend. In related news, six weeks until the official start of summer and eight weeks until the fourth of July. All Mondays this year, although since early 1970s, Memorial Day has been a Monday.

Today back in 1964,ย Ngรด ฤรฌnh Cแบฉn,ย de factoย ruler of centralย Vietnamย under his brother President Ngo Dinh Diemย before the family’s toppling, is executed. This would be a factor that would lead to the American involvement in the disastrous Vietnam War.

Almost to work. Have a great day!

May 9, 2016 Morning

Good morning. Happy Monday. The weekend will be here before you know it. 43 degrees and sunny this morning. The wind is whipping around a bit. Looking at 62 degrees but with a stiff westerly breeze this afternoon that will make it feel somewhat cooler. Cold tonight with frost expected in the outlying areas and temperatures in the city expected to drop to 36. Tomorrow continued sunny and seasonable warmth around 67. Less breezy too.

Being a cereal killer this morning, chopping down on Cheerios for a change. Nice thing is cheerios don’t involve much dish washing. They don’t require the stove which is good especially when the mornings get warm in a few weeks.

Have a great Monday. Tomorrow is Tuesday!

May 8, 2016 Night

It seems like the weekend ended before it began. Then again time is always that way. The delights of Friday night become the horrors of Monday before you know it.

Partly to mostly cloudy this evening. At times you can see the stars pretty well. Other times, like driving home, the windshield was wet from rain showers. The wind has died down and it’s about 50 degrees. Going to be a cold night for the second week of May, with a low around 40. Normal low is around 45. Tomorrow should be a nice spring day for a Monday. Sunny with a high around 59. A bit below average – we normally run around 67, but I’ll take it. More seasonable warmth for the second half of the week.

Sitting out back, sipping on a bottle of Corona that’s not nearly cold enough with a lime that is not fresh enough. I just turned the temperature down a bit in the refrigerator. I turned it up a few weeks ago, as I hate listening to the crappy old refrigerator compressor burning through those expensive kilowatts unnecessarily. I should put the beer in the freezer in advance to get it ice cold. At least it’s nice enough to be out back. Coyotes are howling in the distance. For a Sunday evening I’m content.

I should go inside as I need to make my bed and put away my clothes. I finally did my sheets in the washer although to be fair, last week I was out of town. I always shower in the morning so they don’t have to be perfect. Bought extra milk as earlier in the day I bought the super big box of knock off Cheerios. Going to have cereal with fresh fruit and honey this weekend. I don’t like sugary cereals but heck yeah to adding honey and fresh or frozen natural fruits. I like frozen fruit as they are relatively cheap and come in relatively little packaging. I Iike things that has minimal packaging as its less I have to take to the transfer station or burn up in the woods. Healthy too. Once the farmers market has fresh fruit, I’ll buy it locally but from the supermarket, I’d rather just have it frozen where it’s ready out of the bag without washing.

This morning I discovered that my work email on my phone was consuming a lot of data. Some kind of glitch started Saturday. It burned through nearly 200 MB of bandwidth on its own in 24 hours. Fortunately, I have 5,000 MB a month and after disabling push data in the program in favor of pulling data every 5 minutes it acted fine. I never run over my data cap these days with 5 GB a month and WiFi throughout the building I work plus WiFi at the park and library. Plus I plan to camp places without data service, which means days with no or minimal data use.

The weekend has ended. Good night.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

The fact that I checked the oil, coolant and brake fluid along with belts every Saturday is evidence that I suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder. That or otherwise I would forget. I guess I’m not perfect. Dang!

May 8, 2016 Morning

Good morning. Happy Mother’s Day. May 8th is the earliest Mother’s Day can fall on the calendar. Rainy start to Mother’s Day but already the rain has stopped with rapid clearing expected midday. 52 degrees now, heading up to 60 degrees and blustery later. But ample sun from this afternoon through at least Thursday.

Today will feel cool, especially with the wind. Average temperature for Mother’s Day is 67 degrees. Sunset tonight at 8:04 pm with dusk around 8:34. At 8 pm expect temperatures to be around 55 degrees but with a breeze to make it feel cooler. We are rapidly approaching the longest days of the year in Albany which is the first day of summer. After sunset look for a slender Waxing Crescent Moon in the west, setting around 10 pm.

Happy Birthday to Harry Truman. It’s a state holiday in the State of Missouri. For the Traveling Man, wish the late Ricky Nelson a Happy Birthday. I hear Missouri is a nice state to travel to.

Today in 1973 the 71-day standoffย between federal authorities and theย American Indian Movementย members occupying theย Pine Ridge Reservationย atย Wounded Knee, South Dakotaย ends with the surrender of the militants.

Going to make breakfast, shower, make some maps up and run to the grocery store. Then I may go out hiking locally somewhere in the afternoon then out to Mom and Dad’s house for Sunday dinner.