May 10, 2016 Afternoon

A nice spring afternoon. Some high clouds putting some gray in the sky, but with temperatures around 63 degrees, a dewpoint of 30 and slack wind, it feels quite delightful out there. Expect 68 degrees around 3 PM.Β Dusk tonight is at 8:38 PM with temperatures dropping to low 60s and upper 50s by 9 PM.

Get out and enjoy the nice weather.Β 

20 days to Memorial Day.
Columbus Day is now six months away.
Election Day is 26 weeks away.

May 10, 2016 9 AM Update

The nine o’clock update is that it’s an awful nice day out there. It’s 51 degrees under bright blue skies lush green grass as we head up to 68. Spring time is one of the best times of the year.

Kind of sucks that I’m off to work….

Been thinking about what I’m going to do the next few weekends. In less than three weeks it will be Memorial Day Weekend. I don’t want to go up to Moose River Plains this year for that holiday but I’m undecided on where to go. Maybe Vermont, I haven’t spent much time there recently but the traffic on NY 7 is bound to be horrific on Memorial Day Weekend. Then there is Vanderwhacker Wild Forest, but that is bound to involve taking the Adirondack Parking lot all the way north, and Northway with low gas prices and good economy on a nice holiday weekend is bound to be hopelessly clogged with hundreds of thousands trying to get to the Adirondacks.

This weekend is the Lupine Festival but next weekend if it’s nice, I plan to head up to Hope Falls area or maybe NY 8 and the East Branch of the Sacanadaga. It sure would be nice to spend some time in the wilderness and hit up the Sacanadaga River for trout fishing. We shall see how things.

Have a great Tuesday. We are in the second gear of the week, but before you know it will be direct drive then we’ll shift it down into a Friday.

May 10, 2016 Morning

Warming up fast this sunny spring morning. At 5 AM it was 35. Now up to 49 degrees as we head up to 68 degrees later this afternoon. That’s seasonable weather for today. Get out and enjoy it!

May 9, 2016 Night

Sitting out back watching the Waxing Crescent Moon set in the northwest this evening. It’s about 47 degrees but with slack breeze doesn’t feel real cold. A pretty starry night but they aren’t perfect because I’m in the suburbs so light pollution dims out the stars.

Tonight is going to be a cold one with temperatures dropping to 36 degrees by 5 AM. By morning expect a quick warm up with temperatures peaking out at 67 or maybe even 70 degrees. Gradual drop off in temperature but generally nice, sunny spring weather.

I went to Lynne Jackson’s house to get the Save the Pine Bush display. Going to try to fix it up a bit before the Lupine Festival this weekend. Drove to her house avoiding the red light camera intersections as they scare me. Then did some shopping. Met with Grace to discuss some environmental issues, and then did my evening walk.

I broke my one of USB power charger. I swapping the phone and USB speaker off but sometimes I’d forget and things would go dead. But I got a $25 four port USB charger at Staples this evening and that can charge both my phone, USB speaker, and backup batteries all at once. I figure this is more energy efficient then having multiple chargers, plus less wires. I could have gotten another charger at Walmart but my experience is the Walmart equipment is pretty low quality and prone to breaking. I also gassed up my truck, as I figure gas prices will only climb as the Memorial Day holiday approaches. Gas prices are already up. I also picked up some additional groceries, so I’ll be set through the weekend without shopping.

It’s after 11. I better get to sleep.

May 9, 2016 Evening

You know that it’s been a crazy day, when you’re enjoying the quiet and solitude of the evening bus ride home. But I’m surviving one day at a time. Six weeks until the start of summer.

Currently sixty degrees and sunny but with a 14 mph westerly breeze. Tonight will be clear and cold with a low around 36 in the city. That’s nine degrees below normal. But summer is certainly on its way. Today is Lost Sock Memorial Day but as a guy, that’s not really a problem as all my socks look alike.

Sunset tonight is at 8:05 with dusk around 8:37. Days are definitely getting longer. Those hazy and crazy summer days will be upon us before you know it, but I doubt they’ll be lazy this year. So be it.