Why Must I Argue?

I really enjoy debating with people. I realise that many times I probably won’t change their minds, but I like putting out my side of the story, and pointing out why I believe the things that I do. My opponents may at times have far better researched facts or be set in their ways, but it is so much fun to say it how I see it.

I’m not one to like to be pushed around. I don’t like seeing people disagreeing with me. I wish I could push them over to see the world the way I do based on my own personal experiences. While granted I doubt I will ever change any body’s mind, it’s just so much fun to argue.

They say our country is as strong as it is based on the amount and quality of free speech there is out there. More speech and more voices is always improving the quality of the debate. Yet I sometimes wonder when too much can start to crowd out the debate. Or when I dilute down my best ideas by combining them with too many others.


They say that November is the greyest month of the year. It is the month that has the fewest sunny days of year, where clouds are the norm. November isn’t particularly rainy, but it sure feels cold at times. We might get some snow, but usually not much. What snow we do get usually disappears quickly.

Candian Geese

It’s a month of many holidays and special events. It’s when election day comes, sometimes a big deal nationally, and sometimes just a time more for local campaigns. The politicians and their volunteers try to round up their supporters, and get them out to vote. Then everybody takes a big breath when all the politicking is over.

Bonaparte\'s Cave State Forest

It’s the month that sees deer season, a big thing in our rural communities. Deer hunters look forward to the first day, when 47% of the take happens each year. It’s a time for communion in the woods and spending time out there hoping for the big bag.

Home for the weekend

Later in the month comes Thanksgiving, a time for family and food. Around that time the sometimes obnoxious Christmas seasons gets underway. Yet it’s an important time of tradition and reflecting on what has happened in past year and what we hope happens in the new one.

Snow Covered Mountain

The leaves may be off the trees. It might be getting cold out there. Yet, there still is much to look forward to in the upcoming months.