Those I Love NY Signs

I agree with the US DOT that NY’s series of Burma style signs are inappropriate for federally funded interstates. For generations the US Interstates have been free of commercial advertising – be it private or public – except for narrowly tailored designation signs near exits which show commercial businesses.

For at least 50 years now, any new sign for a commercial business has been prohibited within 500 feet along interstates. There are some signs that pre-date the ban on interstate advertising, but large stretches of our interstates are free of excessive advertising and distraction for motorists. Interstates don’t contain any businesses; rest stops are very basic without commercial strips except for toll roads that predate the interstate system. You want a meal or a place to stay, you must leave the interstate for a blue highway.

While our state’s goal of promoting tourism is laudable, it should not come at the cost of visual pollution along our interstates. If private businesses are prohibited from erecting new signs along interstates, nor should state government be given permissions beyond what other businesses can do.

I am all for people getting off the interstates and seeing what is out there. There are many non-interstate scenic routes and we should encourage people to get off the interstate and see local communities and businesses. But the way you do it is by the standardized attraction signs, and by publicizing what’s out there in ways that aren’t cluttering our otherwise commercial free interstates with signs.

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