March 22, 2016 Update

As we head into the 9 o’clock hour, we are up to 34 degrees with mostly sunny conditions with some clouds creeping in from the west. Still lots of sunshine and blue sky this morning. This won’t last, as the skies will be about 50% covered by clouds by 1 pm and mostly cloudy by evening with temperatures around 50, which is 3 degrees above normal. A mostly cloudy evening with a sunset at 7:11 pm, with an 8 pm temperature around 46 degrees.

In case your feeling good, make sure to wish the late James Brown a happy birthday. It’s also the birthday of Wolf Blitzer, the CNN news host.

Today in 1972, the Equal Rights Amendment was approved by Congress, but was later rejected by the states. And even farther back in 1765, the Stamp Act Tax was approved by the British on the American colonies, in an effort to recover costs from the administration and protection of the colonies. This among other things would lead up to the American Revolution.

The weekend can’t come fast enough. I don’t know if I will have Good Friday off but one can hope. We will see. It still looks like a nice weekend forecast.

The next stop is mine. Have a great day, and enjoy the sun as it lasts!

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