June 8, 2015 evening

The rain certainly at times this afternoon, heading into the evening has been pouring pretty good. Much needed rain one would note. Currently, around 65 degrees now.

Lately, the rain has been slowing down and is expected to end in a bit. Mid-50s by morning with occasional showers. Tomorrow will be in the mid-70s and with some rain, just less than today. Clearing out for the rest of the week.

Got stuck at work for a while this evening after everyone else left. My office got released at 7:40 pm, just ten minutes too late to catch the 7:35 pm bus home.

I had to wait until 8:30 to catch the next bus. Sometimes I go to the public library when this happens but with the rain and a good podcast just ended up hanging out and just getting home really late.

It’s kind of a game when you don’t know your hours for sure and the bus runs hourly after 7:30. But I hate driving my big jacked up truck downtown if I can avoid it. City traffic sucks and I feel like I’m driving a monster truck in the city, constantly checking the corners of my truck and looking down for tiny cars. I certainly can’t fit in the state garage with Big Red.

So I either have to find a massive parking space on the street uptown a ways or take the bus. Unless I think it’s going to be an all-nighter at work or I’m planning to head camping from work, I take the bus. The hour headways suck.

I could probably trade in Big Red for a Corolla or something and get parking, and skip the bus. But besides the hour headway I like the convience of the bus. Plus riding the bus is far more green than supporting massive parking garages and expressways to get back and forth to work. But sometimes the bus is fustrating.

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