
Smile a Little Smile

Why smile? There is so much hate in our society, and so much evil. Why be happy? The reasons are summed up in one word: hope. We must love each other and hope for a better tomorrow, and our smile is one way to reflect that hope for a better tomorrow.


There is so much good in our world today that we should all celebrate as individuals. There are beautiful green forests and farm fields all around, cities that offer exciting opportunities to individuals, and a world that is already amazingly technologically advanced. This is only a picture of what is to come in our beautiful world that surrounds us.

Don't Step Down

A smile is a celebration of life in what it is and what it is becoming. It is a reaction to a feeling of ecstasy that dominates us from world around us. How can you not react positively to a world of happy faces and so much color? Smile a little bit more.

God’s Not On Your Side

I sometimes get the biggest kick out of people who act like they have god on their side. They know you must be wrong, because you obviously must not have god your side.

Tower Windows

As far as I know, God is not into partisan politics. He probably wouldn’t take any opinion on any of the human issues of day, except to encourage people to use their conscience and work to help their fellow man as they believe best.


Always try to challenge your own beliefs and the orthodoxy of those around you. Be the troublemaker who asks the hard questions. Be the Devil’s Advocate, because certainly God wants some people to advocate for the devil, in case god is wrong. It also wouldn’t be right not to give the Devil the defense he deserves.