Mental Illness

210624 Mindworms Thanissaro Bhikkhu Dhamma Talk

One of my blog friends sent this video along a few weeks ago. Interesting lecture, something to think about when it comes to thoughts one finds repetitive or even disturbing. This year, I'm trying to learn more about my thought procesd, deal with my anxiety and generally try to be a more successful person at all parts of my life. Going to be forty in two years and now is the time to find changes and really figure out what is important in my life.

I am not really into spiritualism, I'm more a mud blood and manure type guy but there is a lot of value in hearing different things and graining new perspectives on why one might think the way they do. Information, especially when it's free should be observed carefully but not necessarily embraced. 

The Truth About Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I spend too much time thinking about burn barrels, trash and waste, and our consumer throw away society bothers me a bit too much - which drives my anxiety. Sometimes these thoughts are downright obtrusive in my life and hard to talk about, even though they are kind of silly. Burning a little plastic ain't the end of the world, ask any Pennsylvania redneck. But I worry at times they hold me back from my career and life goals.

So that's why I've been doing bimonthly therapy sessions, learning many of the techniques and realizations discussed in this OCD video. Mastering these coping skills are key to being even more successful at my career. While therapy can be scary especially with the stigma associated with mental illness, I feel like I am learning a lot and slowly but surely becoming a better person. I don't always know if the investment of time and money is worth it - as most of the coping techniques are fairly obvious - but I think if it helps and ultimately leads to promotions and bigger checks at work it's worth it. One step closer to that off-grid homestead where I can burn whatever I want within reason.