Happy Tuesday.

Good Morning! Happy Tuesday. The week comes back around once again. I was a bit on the fence when it came to walking down to the Park and Ride this morning, but it didn’t seem that oppressively hot. That said, I was a bit sticky by the time I got down there, as the humidity remains pretty high from this morning’s rainfall. Still, it beats taking the local bus downtown and I’m trying to do more walking. I only have to leave 10 minutes earlier to walk to the Park and Ride, and it provides a nice 15 minute walk. I get to work often earlier on the Park and Ride Express bus then I would get there on the local bus.

I got my portable radio working this weekend. I just had to clean out the contacts, and now it seems to be working perfectly. The last time I did this I didn’t have as good luck, but this time the radio seems to be working well. It’s the same old Sony Walkman Digital Weather Radio I’ve had for a long time, but it provides some company when walking, and in the woods provides invaluable weather information.

I might finally be getting Big Red back from the shop on Friday. That’s what I was told, if all goes well. There was a dispute between my repair shop and the negligent party’s insurer, so I lost my loaner truck this weekend, but it looks like they might be able to strike up a deal, if this continues on beyond this week. But I don’t want a loaner car back, I want my truck back.

This weekend spent most of the weekend in town, though my parents did give me a ride out to their place on Sunday for Sunday dinner. Did a bunch of cleaning, some reading, some time working on maps, some writing, and some just relaxing. Sometimes an off-weekend is always nice.

Next weekend, I will probably stay in town, as I want to make sure the truck is working perfectly before I get somewheres up in the wilderness. I want to do an oil change, and cut the plywood for the solar cell case. I also would like to get the solar cell all wired up, so maybe if I head out next weekend for an extended weekend, I can just plug it into my truck and use it to keep the lights and radio going all day long.

Assuming we have nice weather the following weekend, I am thinking of leaving maybe on Thursday, and heading up to North Lake or somewheres else to go camping. We will see how things go with work and if the truck is running well and is totally back up to factory operation, then I might leave early for the weekend. I don’t anticipate problems, although the weather may not cooperate.

Working On More Blog Posts. My new thing is on evenings when it’s nice out to spend some time doing some blog posts for the blog. I haven’t done as much blogging lately, but there should be some new and interesting content coming soon.

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