Good Morning! Happy Friday.

We have almost made it to the weekend, on this bright and sunny morning. I do got to dig out my truck tonight, as it’s still buried in snow on my driveway. But hopefully a lot of snow will melt today, and cleaning off it won’t be too difficult. Tomorrow I hope to get out bright and early to do some snowshoeing.

With the bright sunshine and fresh snow still on the trees, it’s a very beautiful morning. Do bring sunshades if you plan to be going outside. It’s bright enough on the bus, despite the tinted windows.

Sloppy But Bright Out

The 719 varies a bit in time at times. Today I caught the bus at 8:54 – and some mornings I’ve hit it at 8:50. I try to be out by 8:50, because I really don’t want to ride the local (Route 18) if I can avoid it. Not that it saves much time, but I just find the Route 719 to be less stressful, as it seems like the bus is riding smoother and faster on the expressway, even if in reality it doesn’t do more then get me to work 5 minutes earlier then the Route 18 – and I don’t really need to be to at work that early.