Why I’ve Switched to WordPress

Over the past two years, I’ve been studying, writing code, and developing concepts for the future blog, to replace that long-in-the-tooth blog with something much more modern, and using a code base that I would not have to maintain entirely myself.

Houses and Farms

The reality is maintaining blog code, all by oneself is a lot of work, especially if your not doing it professionally. While it gave me something to tinker with on the long winter nights, I simply got bored with updating, adjusting, and bug fixing code that could be done by others.

Stewarts Shops in New York

After doing some research into WordPress, I found it was a very flexible form of code, that could be easily extendable for my needs — including being able to be tied to a MySQL table with an indexed-geometryΒ column, to allow very quick sorts by distance from a point. I could also easily tie in my existing maps and photos, into the code, by writing a custom plug-in, and using shortcodes.

Taking a Break

So welcome to the new blog!

Guns, ammo and jobs

Guns and ammo are selling briskly these days, and that means weapons makers are hiring. Some manufacturers are scrambling to find enough workers.Mike Weddle, head of maintenance at Dynamic Research Technologies, an ammunition manufacturer in Albany, Mo., says he is adding 10 new hires to his staff of 35. DRTs machine operators make between $10 and $17 an hour — a healthy paycheck in a region where its tough to find a job and the cost of living is relatively low.

via Made in America: Guns, ammo and jobs – Mar. 25, 2013.